Purchasing a home is a major accomplishment. The many advantages of owning your own house pay off in the end, even though it can occasionally seem difficult. Here are five compelling arguments for why purchasing your own home can ultimately be more beneficial for you than renting in the long ... Continue Reading » about Five Big Benefits Of Owning A Home
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Nuevo Programa 0%De Enganche Para Primeros Compradores (ITIN & SSN)
✨ITIN & SS ✨ 0% DE ENGANCHE‼️CON FICO SCORE MINIMO DE 580 ✅Nuevo programa que busca ayudar a primeros compradores que tengan un crédito mínimo de 580 y aun desean ser dueños de su primera propiedad! 🏡 Requisitos:🔴Empleado con W2: 👉Declaración de impuestos (1 año - el más reciente) 👉W2 ... Continue Reading » about Nuevo Programa 0%De Enganche Para Primeros Compradores (ITIN & SSN)
Lease with Option to Purchase Vs. Straight Home Purchase
Why To Consider Rent To Own Instead Of A Straight Home Purchase? In this video we talk about what are some of the reasons why you may consider renting a home with the option to purchase versus getting into a long term commitment of a home mortgage. There are some people that have the ability ... Continue Reading » about Lease with Option to Purchase Vs. Straight Home Purchase